Wednesday, August 5, 2020

ice9web 2020 Birthday! (^_^)

Another year of blessings! 

I am surprised ... 

while we were about to eat lunch with family... 

someone said that 8 people will come to join for lunch! 

You know that deep silent reaction like 
(... oh ok... so... hmmm... huh?... right!...) 

and I just said.. yeah! we have lots of food here and there is a cake coming so... 
ok we can manage... and he said .. I think they have brought their own food too... 
Ah so ok they have the rice and chicken and just want a place to eat .. 
that all about it (^_^) and... when they arrived... someone gave me a gift of cash ... 

God truly made this day special... 

He gave me unexpected visitors and unexpected gifts! 

Brownies and Cash! 

God truly knows what we need if we have faith in Him and not complain... He will truly provide everything. Here are the pictures... 

💓💓💓 if you want to send loves and gifts on my this special day 💓💓💓

Thank you!

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Thank you for the message (^_^)

If you look into my eyes
will you see my love for you?
If you look at my lips
will you know it's meant for you?

Everything happens for reasons...
Every moment has its own seasons...

The right time will come,
we will be together for eternity,
The right moment will come
our bond shall be filled with God's Blessings and Security.

© Aice Nice Poems