ahihihi. . .
You can check it here (^_^)
As I'm writing this, am here at the office for the last day of work in the year 2008... weeeiii! we are only 13 agents in Day Shift namely:
Jean Diaz
Mughinsa Murod
Joni Joy Gatmaitan
Beverly Suarez
Ma. Theresa Camartin
Gerard Lanzona
Henry Ong
Amy Lyn Minoy
Michelle Toledo
Ernest Brian Amarado
Micheal Villanueva
Geofrey John Rodriguez
Abigail Castro (half day)
and an AS Althone Borja
= total of 14 persons in this very huge office...
for the Pictures click here (^_^)
still on the same date December 29, 2008 I went to Peoples Park in Davao City (^_^) see my post here